
Se hizo internacionalmente conocido ya que con de 82 años de edad tenía 20 atlas de imágenes dibujadas a mano por el mismo para el uso de las técnicas microquirúrgicas.

Medalla Fedor-Krause 2001

Anatomical Dissection for Use in Neurosurgery, Volume 1

Differential Approaches in Microsurgery of the Brain

Endoscopic Anatomy of the Third Ventricle: Microsurgical and Endoscopic Approaches

Endoscopic and microsurgical anatomy of the upper basal cisterns

Microsurgery of Intracranial Tumors: Vol 2: Special Lesions of the Midline and Rhombencephalon (Microsurgery of Intracranial Tumors)

Strategies of Microsurgery in Problematic Brain Areas: with Special Reference to NMR

Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Brain and Surrounding Structures for Neurosurgeons, Neuroradiologists, and Neuropathologists

Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Brain and Surrounding Structures: For Neurosurgeons, Neuroradiologists, and Neuropathologists

Microanatomical Aspects for Neurosurgeons and Neuroradiologists

Microsurgery of Cerebral Veins

Microsurgery of Intracranial Tumors: Supratentorial Tumors v. 1

Microsurgery of Intracranial Tumors: Vol 2: Special Lesions of the Midline and Rhombencephalon: Special Lesions of the Midline and Rhombencephalon V. 2

Microsurgery of the Brain: Anatomical and Technical Principles [VOLUMES I AND II]

Microsurgery of the Brain: Anatomical and Technical Principles Volumes 1 & 2 (Two volumes)

Microsurgery of the Cranial Base

Microsurgery of the Spinal Cord and Surrounding Structures

Microsurgery of the spinal cord and surrounding structures : anatom. and techn. principles.

Microsurgery of the Spinal Cord and Surrounding Structures: Monograph

Neuronavigation and Neuroanatomy

Planning Strategies of Intracranial Microsurgery

Standard Variants of the Skull and Brain: Atlas for Neurosurgeons and Neuroradiologists

Strategies of Microsurgery in Problematic Brain Areas with Special Reference to NMR. In Collaboration with H.-R. EGGERT and W. HASSLER.

Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy

The Microsurgical Approaches to the Target Areas of the Brain

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  • Última modificación: 2019/09/26 22:25
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